is the way to utilize your banana and can preserve it from rotten. It is suit
for unripe banana ( a bit greenish and yellowish banana). Of course, bananas
come from the same bunch of my last entry. Hope you enjoy cooking J
to said, I forgot to take a photo when cooking. But it’s very easy and I think
you can do without guide pictures.
(for 4 serves)
Culivated bananas (unripe) 8 pieces
Limewater to soak the
Salt 2 tsp.
paste 50 g.
sugar 50 g.
Water Up to
you pot (to drown the banana)
A bit of lime/lemon to prevent sugar from crystallization
is Limewater. I use Google translation but not sure it’s the same I use. This
will help your banana becomes crisp and not be mushy.
the banana into limewater for 15 min – 1 hour. Time depend on the ripe level of
banana. (If more ripe, more time use) For my unripe banana, I soak only 15 min.
all ingredients into rice cooker pot. Press the cook button. Stir until all
sugar dissolves then put banana. Open the pot lid and wait until the banana
turn into red and the water becomes viscous syrup. (About 3 hours). Add lime in syrup then stir. After that stop heating.
in mind to cooking in low heat and be patient with the cooking time for the
great result!!